Welcome to the NEW & IMPROVED WORLDTONE DANCE Website*

WORLDTONE DANCE & Theatrical Shoes - featuring Alameda in Summer Peach Leather.  As seen on Dancing with the Stars. Comes in multiple heel heights.  One of many great theatrical styles available exclusively at WORLDTONE

*Our website is still under development.

Unfortunately, sizes and inventory availability are not yet connected to the website.
For this reason, we have disabled the creation of client accounts and order processing.

But, you CAN see prices and search for products by brand, feature, and even dance style.

For any questions or to place an order, reach out to us on our LIVE CHAT (or our other contact options)
and we will be happy to help you!

Newly Added To Worldtonedance.com

The following collection shows either styles that we are new to WORLDTONE or that were newly added to the website. We have put them here so you can see anything that may not have been on the website the last time you visited.